RefuSHE is a short life-affirming documentary film that follows the resilience of young female refugees in Sub Saharan Africa. Escaping conflict, rape and abuse in South Sudan, Congo, Somalia and Rwanda, they arrive alone, many of them pregnant. They find a second chance at life at RefuSHE Kenya’s safe house and Girls Empowerment Program.

Over 3000 girls have gone through the program, learning how to design and tailor clothes, attend school and most importantly, build their confidence and self worth after surviving unthinkable abuses on their journey to Kenya. Each week the girls prepare a fashion show which encourages them to be strong, proud and confident as they take to the runway, showing off their gorgeous designs and learning how to put their pasts behind them. UNHCR Special Envoy Angelina Jolie attends one of them.

 Directed, Filmed and Produced by: Leslie Knott and Clementine Malpas
Editor: Clementine Malpas and Lucy Martens


Testimony of War


RefuSHE (UNHCR) (Copy) (Copy) (Copy)